
Something that was on my mind

There are two words that do not go together. Those words are “complacent” and “seek.” When you are complacent, you are satisfied or content with where you are. You don’t really care about going any further in the situation. One dictionary says that definition of complacent is “A feeling of satisfaction with yourself or with a situation, so that you do not think any change in necessary.” When you are seeking something there is no possible way to be complacent. It just isn‘t an option. When you seek something you can’t get enough, and you want to go further and further, and not stay in the same spot. You want to go as far as possible, and you won’t quit until you get there.

When you are complacent you are, in a sense, lukewarm-neither hot nor cold, just ok with where you are. Revelation 3:16 says “So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.” God is not ok with us being lukewarm, just as this verse demonstrates. He would rather us pick a side, then stand in the middle.

God did not call us to be complacent but to seek after Him, pursue Him, and want nothing else but Him. The only way you can find God is if you seek after him with all of your heart, not half of your heart. Jeremiah 29:13 says “And you will seek me and find me, when you search for me with all your heart.” If you want to find God, you must seek with your whole heart, your whole being. Giving him only ten minutes of your day doesn’t cut it. That is less then 1% of your day.(Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m preaching to myself to. I myself don’t give God what he deserves most of the time, and it is something that I am working very hard on.)

People keep asking why we haven’t seen revival, why we haven’t seen the things God has promised. Have you ever stopped to consider that God is not the center of your life, and that could be the problem. That you are not seeking him with your whole being. That you are only giving him a small portion of yourself and that is why you haven’t been seeing what you are praying for.

If you really want God to start moving in your life, you need to start asking him to and seeking him. You cannot rely on the prayers of everyone else. Yes people praying for you is good, but you need to show some effort too. God blesses those who seek after him. You need to start seeking him with every part of you, not just a small part of you. This is when he will start doing things in your life.

I was praying a few months ago and God said this to me:

The complacent will never see revival
The complacent will never see the dead raised
The complacent will never hear My voice
The complacent will never heal the sick
The complacent will never know the real Me.


Day One....

So I was sitting in the lounge, and realized that my dear friend Pookie has a very interesting blog, and then I realized that Bmo and Christy has one too. Since it's Friday, and I have no life, I decided I would get one too. I'm new at this, so it might be a little lame...but we can work with this.

So Random thought: I absolutely love my friends here. I honestly have never felt more loved and accepted in my life. They make me laugh whenever I'm sad...and they can somehow tell when I'm sad even when I have on a mask that says I'm not. They make my life more interesting as well. I don't even want to think about the fact that summer is in less then three weeks. That isn't ok with me. The whole no school work thing is ok with me, but the being away from my friends for over three months, not so ok. They are seriously sent to me from God...no joke!

Speaking of God, He is pretty amazing. He is changing me, and doing things in me that I never thought he would do. I mean, I literally preached to my youth group....me, of all people! That was seriously because of God. He is awesome and I can't wait to see what he continues to do for me.

And speaking of things that are awesome...snowglobes are awesome. I have exactly 37 of them. They make me smile. Even the cheap dollar tree ones make me smile....happy times :)

In case you haven't noticed....I'm random :)